
~Song Of Salamone~


A new blog and a new look for a family as they head off tomorrow (4/7/2012) to meet their newest addition to their family!  How exciting!!  Be sure to check out this blog in the next few days as they travel!

~When Hello Means Good-Bye~


Check out Katie’s super cute, fun and color new look!!

~LeeLee & B Plus Annie Louise

Love, love, love this blog design and the cute family that owns it!  Check it out!!


~Christmas Cards~

First I found this on another blog today and thought it was pretty neat!  For all of y’all that have fancy smancy smart phone, lookie here!!

etsy gr codeI made a code for my ETSY site!!  How cool is that??

For those that do not have a fancy smancy smart phone, you can also click here to check out some Christmas cards that I made!!!

~It’s A Sale~

~Since it’s November

~Since I am thankful for so many things

~Since I love, love designing blogs

I am hosting a sale!!

From now until November 15th I am offering

$25 off Package #1


$10 off Package #2

Email me today to start your blog makeover!


Pre-Blog Designs

Don’t forget to check out the three Pre-Blog Designs that I am offering for the basement bargain price of $30! 

I will be adding some Christmas ones very soon, so be sure to come back and check those out for a little Christmas blog makeover!!!  

Click on the button on the top right to see!  :o)

Update Your Pictures!


Kathy recently contacted me so I could update, her blog header and sidebar with newly taken pictures!!  I was in awe of her cute family picture and how much her kids have grown since doing her blog!!

If you need your pictures updated, let me know and for $15, it will be done!  :o)